Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers
Happy doggy art spotted at the vet last week. Maggie was due for her annual exam and a shot, so I decided to be a responsible dog owner and bring her in. Not to mention she was limping around like crazy from overdoing it the day before and I hoped they could give me a fresh prescription of doggy ibuprofen. After a quick blood test to ensure that Maggie’s old body could tolerate the ibuprofen and an exam (verdict: she’s healthy, phew), we were on our way. Maggie charmed every person working at the vet’s office. The vet told me that the last three animals she had seen before Maggie had a lot of anger and “trust” issues, so it was a breath of fresh air to hang around happy Maggie dog! Awwww, Maggie dog.
Last Saturday’s drive through Volunteer Park. Next time I want to go inside this giant greenhouse!
When it’s not blasting rain and shooting wind, it’s quite beautiful right now. Spring! Spring! Don’t forget to spring forward!
I just want to ooh and aah over plants and flowers all the time. Maybe I should go work in a flower nursery. Mmmmm, flower nurseryyyyy. With dogs.
I snapped a pic of this amazing pink flower at the fertility doctor’s office yesterday.
So! Speaking of! Yes! After a MONTH of waiting after my egg retrieval, we finally met with my fertility doc yesterday morning. It was time to make the Very Important Decision of: when to do the frozen embryo transplant (FET). We calculated that if we did the FET with my next menstrual cycle (which is supposed to kick off today, AND BOY I CAN’T WAIT) (sarcasm), that would give us a mid to late December baby. No bueno! Being a December baby myself, sure being a sassy Sagittarius is fab and all, but then you always get the dreaded mixed Christmas/birthday present AND December is always a month that is too, too busy SO we decided to go with next month’s cycle instead. January baby! January baby! And how cool is it with FET that you get to decide exactly when you want to conceive? Science is amazing.
Spotted this fun porcelain art in “Seattle” magazine, waiting at the doctor’s office. I was SO happy yesterday to finally have a plan. It’s a huge relief!
I’ve been watching this cute Netflix original show called “Cuckoo” while I work on Corinne’s cat painting. Speaking of the Broad: her mom and sister are both coming to Seattle next week. Next week I have a fertility support group meeting, and possibly (hopefully) one day of work. The job is kind of far away, but at this point even one day of work far away beats zero days of work, or the alternative…trying to sell all my shit on ebay! Sigh!
Maggie and I felt the same way last night: wiped. I basically laid on the couch from 6 to 10 pm, eating naughty things from Dick’s and enjoying the heat from my heated throw blanket. Man, that thing was a smart buy. Why didn’t I buy one years ago?
Then I got mad at Josh for something (PMS–it could have been anything) and we made up by laughing hysterically over “lost” seasons of “Jackass” on youtube for a couple of hours. Good Times!
Today: I went to the paint shop for a gallon of paint to finish painting our bedroom. We had to find the perfect color to coordinate with the one teal wall, and we figured it out this morning. Bought groceries to make chicken fajitas for dinner tonight. Planning on doing 30 minutes of some form of cardio…maybe I should hop on the Elliptical trainer, it’s been….um….uh….yeah. Have a great weekend, blog-logs!