One nation under a groove

One nation under a groove,

Gettin’ down just for the funk of it

One nation and we’re on the move

Nothin’ can stop us now

These purple calla lilies came home with us.

Hallo blog! Here are some calla lilies I put in the cart during our trip to the Testosterone Trap last weekend. I’m a little obsessed with purple calla lilies.

Josh planted the calla lilies near the bowling ball garden 🎳

Josh planted them in front of the bowling ball garden. Thanks to Grandma Shirley, we have two more big clumps of what will turn into lovely white calla lilies, also planted in the backyard.

Kind of obsessed with these πŸ’›

We really don’t need any more flowers at this point so I didn’t buy them, but aren’t these amazing? They are called “celosia”. Someone on Instagram told me that the leaves are edible. The more you know!

Embarking on an easy 3 mile trail run with the dogs (take 2)

About to embark on a nice easy 3 mile trail run, in a light drizzle on Sunday morning. After such a long drought the rain smelled and felt wonderful.

In contrast, we went for almost the exact same run Tuesday night, and there was something wrong with my body. I was bloated, for one, exhausted, for two–I had spent 3 hours sitting in the direct sunlight that afternoon with Josh’s cousin in Bellevue and the sun had completely wiped out my energy. I didn’t really want to go for a run, but I did it anyway–mistake! Next time I need to listen to my body. I developed an agonizing headache halfway through the 3 mile run and had no choice but to finish it, since we were in the middle of the woods. Boooooo.

Hey, wait up!

I’ll admit it, I was awful. Just awful. I was so miserable! Each step just drove the headache further into my skull. Poor Josh, having to listen to all the complaining. I felt sick the following day too, at work–I think I was just really dehydrated.

I felt crappy at work this morning but it's amazing how a little sun/dog/nature therapy took care of that. β˜€οΈ

I drank a lot of water, and Gatorade, and spent only a little bit of time with the animals in the sun, down by the river (said in Chris Farley voice). Down by the river is the only way to roll when it’s 90 degrees outside and you have black furry pets.

Muddy river + tennis ball = doggy heaven πŸ’¦

It’s our new after-work activity, because it’s just too friggin’ hot to run outside in the late afternoon.

Chacos where they're meant to be: in sludge

We’ve gone down to the river two days in a row this week.

On a surge of high serotonin levels I purchased myself these 2 patches. The trick now is actually putting them on something...

I was fooling around on Etsy recently, browsing the usual keywords: “neon”, “glitter”, “Fun” etc., and couldn’t help but purchase these two adorable patches. Now what to put them on? So many choices!

“The blondes look like mutants,” Josh pointed out. Heigh ho.

Glittering the painting (my favorite part) ✨

I’m at the glitter-ing up point of working on the latest Mandala, which is my favorite part!

Welcome to the fold, new glitter ✨✨✨

I even bought some new glitter at the fabric store just for this Mandala project. You can never have TOO MUCH glitter, let’s face it. I had to restrain myself in the fabric store…I may have bought some fleece. Yeah, I know, it’s July, but it was 50% off! Who could resist?

Current painting station 🎨

I’ve been spending a great deal of time in the basement at my “painting station”. It’s the coolest area of the house, and there is glitter everywhere. Note Madonna playing on the tv.

Today's bangs-spiration: Halle Berry

I just want my bangs to look like Halle Berry’s. Is that too much to ask? (yes)

Let's go exploring πŸƒπŸŒΏπŸŒΎ

It’s really bizarre seeing all these fallen leaves in the middle of summer. This is a weird summer. In previous years, summer would just be starting, but June was so grossly hot that it almost feels like Fall now! All yellow and dry.

An oldie but a goodie πŸ‘‘

An old favorite. Apparently ringer tees are “back in fashion”…you see, just keep EVERYTHING and pretty soon it becomes popular again! Of course, that’s when you don’t want to wear it, if you’re a contrarian. Which I hope you are, blogreader. I hope you are.

Creamsicle + Josh's portrait of me

I bought some Creamsicles the other day and it’s been real nice for me.

Step 2 of nerdifying the "office": a giant laminated world map. Next up: what color to paint the walls? Green? (I always want green)

The nerdifying of the “office” continues with this massive laminated world map I had to buy. As soon as we finish this laminate floor job (which is taking much, much longer than expected) I want to paint the office walls. Green! Apple green!

Speaking of that floor, Josh’s uncle was just over here earlier today assessing the “problem” (rotted wood underneath the sliding door caused by water damage). We were afraid we were going to have to take the entire door out, which I really didn’t want to do, but Josh and his uncle were able to fix the problem that was causing the rotted wood (lack of caulk around the door) and now Josh just needs to add more wood under the floor, then add the baseboards, and THEN we’ll be able to lay the laminate down. Good grief. Home improvements are never as easy as they seem, eh?

But never mind that, I’m off to the basement to glitter up the Mandala. I’m so close to finishing this one, I can TASTE it.

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