Animals, nails, and facial hair

Gee whiz, everyone around here was so HOPEFUL on Friday about the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl! Just look at the flair on this little horse! The rhinestones on the coat were a nice touch.

Bear Schnubs and I were certainly BRACING ourselves for the onslaught of post-Super Bowl congratulatory fireworks…but they never happened, because, as everyone (and their mom) knows, the Seahawks lost the Super Bowl to the Patriots by four measly points. I’m not telling you this because I care (I care a tiny bit). I’m telling you this because it’s been alllllll about the friggin’ Super Bowl in my life for the past week, and it’s essentially unavoidable.

I didn’t watch it–my period started on Sunday in its usual brutal, painful fashion, so I spent 80% of Sunday on the couch stuffing my body with carbs and sugars and clutching the heating pad to my ovaries. My period was so bad, I even made it through the first 25 minutes of “Sophie’s Choice”. Can you imagine?

Josh went over to his grandparents’ house to watch the Super Bowl. We had an agreement, that after the Super Bowl was over, he would shave off the gross beard he’d been cultivating since early December.

Since neither one of us like to be bossed around (eldest child mentality), he TRIED to keep this disgusting little John Waters-esque pencil mustache. He wanted to keep it until the following day, but after I threatened him for 20 minutes or so he shaved it off, and then was mad at me for the rest of the night and the next morning too. OH WELL.

For some bizarre reason I felt like I needed to buy this book. Hells bells, it was something like 15 cents used on Amazon, and I love Elizabeth Taylor, and a DIET book by ol’ Lizzy was just too good to pass up.

It’s 85% Elizabeth’s autobiography with a few, disgusting-sounding recipes thrown in for the “diet” part (tuna salad made with tomato paste and grapefruit stands out). Look at how glamorous Elizabeth already was at age three, though! Come on!

This is happening in our front yard. I’m not sure what it is, but I know I like it.

Through a series of bizarre events I was off work before 1 pm today, so the Broad and I had a Broad date. I had my nails painted a fun lavender with a real subtle lavender glitter on top, and Corinne had a color-changing polish applied that switches from blue to purple, depending on her body temperature. Fun!

Of course, before the nails I had to molest her cats for a while. Look at Seymour here, he is positively IRRESISTIBLE but the little brat won’t let me pet him without “playfully” scratching up my hands. Sigh. Some day Seymour! I’m gonna rub that furry belly!

The cleaning lady came today and our house looks pristine. Finally going against all of my instincts that say DIY 4 LIFE and paying someone to clean my house every two weeks has been a great investment, one that I would highly recommend. After foot pain and avoiding the elliptical trainer/treadmill for the past week, I am finally ready to don my sneakers and do some real cardio tonight, dammit. I put in my two week notice at one of my jobs yesterday, so in one and a half weeks I will just have ONE job. Fingers crossed that it works out! That is all.

2 thoughts on “Animals, nails, and facial hair

  1. The plant looks like a succulent similar to a stonecrop. Hard to tell, mine is dormant right now and I can’t do a comparison.I like your idea of a cleaning lady. As it is, this year i’m paying a kid to shovel and a cleaning lady once in a while’s next. What do cleaning people get per hour by you?

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