Kauai: Day 2, part 2: Waimea Canyon, a beach stroll, and poke

J at Poipu beach
Aloha blog! The dogs have been walked and fed, Josh is off skiing (it’s 80 degrees here in town–go figure), and I have a tall glass of iced coffee with coconut milk sitting beside me so it’s TIME to continue the Kauai Chronicles. Are we still on Day 2? Yes we are. Here’s Josh outside Poipu Beach for our first snorkeling excursion.

Salt Pond Beach
We gave it a good shot, but Poipu Beach was far too windy, so we tried our luck at Salt Pond Beach next.

snorkel man
Well, Josh did anyway. I decided to skip the snorkeling and just “relax” on the beach.

trying to enjoy Salt Pond Beach in the rain
Except it rained on me the entire time! Oh Kauai!

Waimea Canyon 1
After lunching in Waimea, we drove to the Waimea Canyon, which promised to be the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific“.

Waimea Canyon 2
It was beautiful, but extremely windy.

Waimea Canyon 3
Gorgeous colors.

J at WC
There’s that fella.

L at WC
Smiling through the wind.

Waimea Canyon 4
The photos with the new camera turned out a little dark…

Waimea Canyon 5
This one with the old camera looks nice, though. Waaaait a minute, was this a different day? Hmmmm.

Waimea Falls
The old camera has a great zoom, too. Look at that gorgeous waterfall!

distant islands
We stopped at another lookout point on the drive back to the hotel. If you look far into the distance, you can see two other Hawaiian islands.

red dirt
The dirt in Kauai is red, and stains fiercely. Lots of stores sold “famous red dirt!” shirts, but why? Earth tones? No thanks. Speaking of earth tones, today was “80’s Day” at work so I finally had the opportunity to wear my “I Don’t Do Earth Tones” tee-shirt to work (along with a neon orange skirt and neon yellow Converse). My outfit received a lot of smiles!

pretty green shells
At the general store near our hotel, these pretty green shells caught my eye.

Joshy on the beach
We had the best coconut lattes I’ve ever had from Grinds Cafe before we returned to our hotel. Then, motivated by caffeine, we took a nice long stroll on the beach while the sun slowly set.

evening beach
Evidently late April is a great time to go to Hawaii, because we pretty much had the beach to ourselves.

Josh looking slick
His first authentic Hawaiian shirt. Mawwww. My father would be so proud! My father would pair it with Uggs, though. Pops and his fashion sense.

I couldn’t straighten out the horizon without chopping Joshy’s head off, but that aside…I love this picture. We look so tan and happy!

tiny stick fort
I love finding things like this on the beach.

crashing waves
The waves on the East coast can be strong. We resisted to urge to walk on the slippery rocks.

sunset waves
Siiiiigh. Oh, I can almost hear the sound of the waves.

sunset over the coconut grove
Sunset over the coconut grove.

stop and look up
I had to test out this hammock at a neighboring hotel. Josh took a little convincing to climb aboard.

“What are they going to do…kick us out?” I said to him (they didn’t).

looking up
Looking up, from the hammock.

pink and purple sky
The sunsets were not as spectacular as the Maui sunsets, probably because Kauai was a great deal cloudier and stormier. Still pretty, though.

rain clouds
I think this photo of the storm clouds is really beautiful.

That evening for dinner we bought “poke” at the Kapaa Safeway. I had never heard of poke, but Josh had–it’s raw fish that has been “cooked” naturally by citrus, smothered in seasoning and mixed with several different ingredients. At the Safeway they had an entire poke bar, so we chose two different kinds and ate them over green salad for dinner. It was one of the best dinners we had all week!

Coming up next: Day three: a grueling hike, more snorkeling (featuring a giant turtle) and pasta pasta pasta!

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