Maggie’s nose and Seattle allergies

liz and maggie on the couch
Maggie and me, 2008.

Hola, blog, I miss you sometimes. Remember when I wasn’t working full time and I had endless amounts of time to devote to you? That was fun, eh? Two days ago Maggie got a pretty severe gushing bloody nose. I consulted Dr. Google (that’s always a mistake), and Dr. Google said bloody noses in dogs are NOT normal! Take your dog to the vet! I called up the vet and told them about the bloody nose, and they couldn’t give me any information over the phone, so I took Mags in yesterday. The vet ran some blood tests and urine tests, and I was just informed on my way home from work that her bloodwork is “fabulous”, no problems at all. Thank God. I’m hoping the bloody nose was just a fluke–some bit of grass or random pollen or maybe just all this crap floating through the air around Seattle right now that’s making everyone (and their dog) miserable. Just about everyone I come into contact with is sneezing, wheezing, eyes watering. Hell, I can’t wait to get my contacts out every day (contacts are pollen “sponges”, I read). I’ve even had a bloody nose myself this year…so hopefully that’s all that happened with my Magger Waggers. I haven’t noticed any nose bleeding since the vet visit…and she certainly seems like her normal bouncy self.

Matter of fact, she’s staring at me right now, because when I come home from work it’s DOG TIME DOG TIME DOG TIME and I don’t get any me time until that happens. I’m sucking down a nice cold coffee granita, it’s in the mid-70’s right now and not a cloud in the sky. Awwwrriiiiiite!

In other news, last night I discovered all the photos from the second camera we used in Kauai…so the photos I’ve been editing so far only amass half the total. Whoops. I thought we were missing a few! This editing process is going to take longer than I thought! Ah well, I just keep telling myself it’ll be worth it in the end. Also: tonight we are catching up on RuPaul’s Drag Race. I’ve been avoiding Twitter and Instagram because I don’t want any spoilers! Ta ta for now, blog!

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