Shower power

post shower
Hola. I got a strange idea in my head to take the camera into the shower stall right after I finished my shower and snap some self-portraits. Maybe next time I should have some eye make-up on. Or the flowered bathing cap, ha ha! Remember this photo shoot? Good old Ambien, eh? Thooooose were the daaaaays.

I felt crappy on Thursday and called in sick, so of course today I had to work to make up for taking the day off. Booooooo. It wasn’t too bad–I was off by 2 and then picked up the animals for a fun hour at the dog park. A huge Lab dropped a ball in front of me so I threw it (with the throwing stick) a little TOO far and sent it sailing over the fence…with the Lab right after it! Then it took a while for the owners to get him back. Whoops. Apparently I don’t know my own strength. Heh.

At least I don’t have to work tomorrow yayyyyyyy! Now I just need a new painting to start. BOY do I EVER. Ideas welcome!

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