Daily dog dish

Another beautiful Fall day with my pets.
It’s tiiiiime…for another Instagram dump. Maybe I should stop blogging and just do Instagram and Facebook. AH HA HAAAHAHAA NEVER.

Dog park happy face.
I have light caseloads at the two places I work right now, which means I’m finished with work in the early afternoon and have gobs of time to take the rogs to the rogpark. Maggie will stare at me from the moment I arrive home until the moment I put their leashes on to take them out. She craves the park.

Bear Cub met a new dog friend today.
This is just about the cutest picture of Bear Cub ever taken, that’s all. Look at her smile! This was a dogfriend we met a few weeks ago with a nervous owner who didn’t want to let her off the leash–at a regular park, not a fenced-in dogpark. Too bad, I’m sure her dog and Bear Cub would have had a wonderful romp. Dogs always act weird on the leash. Last weekend there was a French Bulldog “meet-up” at the dogpark and a few of the French Bulldog owners kept their dogs on the leash the entire time. No wonder their dogs were acting so hostile! Or maybe they were just hostile dogs, in which case…why bring them to the dog park at all?

These orange leaves were far more vivid than the camera picked up today.
I stopped outside my gym and snapped a picture of the beautiful trees outside, because I’m a geek. Something has to liven up these grey Seattle skies.

Saw these beautiful, huge mushrooms on our walk today.
Sometimes I can’t believe my phone is capable of taking such crisp photos. I don’t even have the iphone 5, just the 4, and see no reason to upgrade. It’s wonderful! And was free, besides (thanks Jerry).

Little mushroom and Maggie dog.
Currently: searching for the perfect black wedge shoe. Watching Jackie Warner’s “Work Out” in the evenings to pump myself up to get on that treadmill and lift weights afterwards. Reading John Sandford’s latest. Making split pea soup for dinner. This blog entry is boring.

Dainty Bear Cub. I love it when she crosses her paws like this.
But look at Bear Cub’s dainty paw crossing! Kills me every time. The Broad and I have a real nice thing going on now where I e-mail her cute cat GIF’s I find online, and in return she e-mails me cute dog GIF’s. Oh, the wonders of the Internet. And being easily amused.

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