Friday night IG delight

It’s Friday night, blog! I had a cup of clam chowder, most of a grilled cheese sandwich, and a giant chocolate cupcake from Panera for dinner tonight. The guilt I am feeling is not for the calories ingested but rather, the fact that I broke our self-imposed “Budget” for the month of September. The “rules” included no extraneous purchases and no eating out, and I SCREWED UP! I don’t do so well with rules, boundaries, and limitations.

octopus love bus
So before the inevitable 1/2 an hour of treadmill I must do tonight (while watching “Die, Mommy, Die!”) I thought I’d share our camping photos, via my Instagram, which is here, by the way, you should follow me. I’m fun. Josh pointed out this deee-lite-full bus on the highway as we were driving up to the camping spot and I had to nab a shot. Never get tired of painted VWs!

camping scene
Our snug little camping scene, with an actual campfire. Mawwwww. Of course I managed to step in a creek on the way back to our camp during a walk, and I was wearing Josh’s Vans at the time. I tried drying out the sopping wet shoe next to the campfire, but thanks to the drizzling rain and humidity, it never dried out properly, and Josh showed me the sole a few days later–completely peeled apart. I suggested he repair it with “Gorilla Glue” (I use that shit for everything), but he just threw the shoes away instead. Good thing they were already falling apart, or I might feel guilty.

Little Hyas Lake
Isn’t the Little Hyas Lake pretty pretty? It was extremely mucky and the shore was covered with goose poop, but just look at that cuhluh!

meadow dogs
Dogs, dogs, dogs in the meadow. I’d like to return to this spot sometime next year, maybe a little earlier in the summertime. Also next time I’m gonna invest in some of those geeky water shoes.

rainbow hat and rainbow bikini
I’m starting to go through summer withdrawals. I worked this week, and I suspect I may have worked through the last blerp of hot weather Seattle has to offer this year. Today was totally overcast all day long, but tomorrow is supposed to be warm. We’ll see. I have hiiiiigh hopes! I’d always rather get my Vitamin D via sunshine than in pill form.

butterfly moth on hand
At first we thought these orange-winged insects were butterflies and were dazzled by the way they kept landing on us, but later on we thought maybe they were just moths, and somehow that didn’t seem as…nice. They were awfully nosy too…butterflies are never that intrusive. Gross, moths!

I’m so glad the weekend is here and I get to catch up on all the painting and editing of photos and blog-logging and other various things I never seem to accomplish during a working week. Now if you’ll excuse me, there is a treadmill that needs my attention. Burp.

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