A puppy present for a Puppy Party

Hallo blog! I will plan on missing you for the next two months, because I will be working full time, that’s right, FULL TIME. That means less time for blog-log-diggity-dogging, but more cashola which we desperately need. You know the old saying, blog < life, so good-bye blog. Just kidding. Good-bye obsessive daily blogging.

puppy party decorations
Saturday morning we stopped by the Manse bright and early to help Brenna set up Ronia’s puppy-themed 4th birthday party. She picked the theme! Auntie Liz is ECSTATIC she got over her monkey “phase” from two years ago and has moved onto a worthier animal, rogs. We were at the Manse early because although the Puppy Party started at 10:30, we needed to be on the road by at least 10 o’clock for our weekend plans, CAMPING! Ohhhh yeeeeeaaaaah.

Ronia unwrapping her prezzie
Ronia makes my ovaries throb. Love love love that little girl. I bought the present weeks before I picked out the gift bag, and I accidentally picked a gift bag far too large for the actual present. So I stuffed it with gobs of tissue paper, which confused/delighted little Ronia.

revealing the puppy purse
Voila–PUPPY PURSE! I found this insanely adorable puppy purse at a local toy store. A little chihuahua with a glittery tutu, sequined frock, feather boa, and metallic purple puppy paws. I mean, could you just…? I knew she’d love it.

puppy purse present success
SO CUTE. Score one for Auntie Liz! Shopping for little girls is a breeze for me–obviously I am (ahem) young at heart. I’ve never grown out of my magpie-like obsession with glitter, sparkle, and CUHLUH.

Join me later this week as I edit, post, and yak over 200 camping photos! Good Times ahead!

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