Good stuff, gimme some of that good stuff
This was my “Good Hair Day”. If the bangs are working, then everything’s working.
Yayyyy 3 weeks of work complete and now vacation time! I am so excited. I realized today that 85% of my work stress this past week was PMS-related, which is partly comforting. I received a lot of compliments from nurses and patients and family members about the good job that I did, which makes me feel nice. I won a Dietbet, and have officially lost 11 pounds since I started Weight Watchers back in May, which is fabulous. AND a coffeeshop just e-mailed me, saying that they love my paintings and would like to feature them in the shop as their artist of the month! All kinds of positive things today.
The dogs enjoying a plate of watermelon. In fact, I…
…made a little video of them eating the watermelon, because I’m a dork for dogs.
Here’s a man in his underpants, enjoying a sandwich, ginger ale and book after a boring day of cleaning the house and yardwork last Saturday. Necessary, but WE HATE IT.
Speaking of that dude, it’s our 5 year anniversary tomorrow! I said no presents, since the vacation is a great present, but then I went and bought him cards and a present on my way home from work today. Shhhh, don’t tell him.
Happy belated anniversary!!
Thanks, babes!