Mes fleurs

Bonjour*. Squinty eyes wrinkles are Sexy. Much sexier than a between-the-eyebrows-furrow, am I right? I don’t believe in eye creams. I DO believe in sunglasses, even when it’s cloudy outside.

pink mini roses
My mini rosebush.

I got off work early-ish today, and thought, “I’ll go to the GYM!” but it hasn’t happened. Probably what’s going to happen is this: a nice long walk outside with the rogs, followed by tonight’s dinner (third night in a row, but who’s counting?) of this.

fun purple flowers
I would love to be able to say what kind of flowers these are, but I didn’t label my flowers this year. So they are “pretty purple flowers“. In the backyard I planted the same flowers in a much larger pot, and the plants are way taller. Some day when we aren’t renting, I’ll have my own actual piece of dirt to plant stuff in, and I’ll be happy.

flower box
Again, what are these called? They’re totally common and I see them everywhere, but the name is escaping me right now. So they are “pretty pink flowers“.

a sad single hydrangea clump
Here it is, the single, sad little flower clump the hydrangea produced this year. Recall that when we bought it, it looked like THIS. Lesson? There’s more to plant maintenance than just watering alone.

Last night we watched “Movie 43”, which wasn’t as awful as everyone says, but maybe only because we have extremely immature senses of humor. Think fart/poop jokes are funny? Then this is the movie for you! I think we’re going camping this weekend, I HOPE I HOPE. I’m ready.


* We recently re-watched “Amelie”. I keep thinking I’ll learn French if I watch enough French movies. Wasn’t Audrey Tautou TO DIE FOR cute in that film? Siiiiiiiighhhhh…

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