Sunshine, pets, and a show with chutzpah

park face
Happy sunny park face! This is me, approximately 20 minutes ago. We went for a little walk. Longer would have been better, but the top of my foot was hurting, and I remembered that an aide stepped on my foot at work earlier today. She was tiny and lightweight, but apparently at my Advanced Age I have bird bones that injure easily. Note to self: buy more of those chocolate calcium chewies. Strong bones + partial satiation of chocolate “needs”? Yes!

Corinne  and Bear Cub
Corinne and Bear Cub, having a chat. Isn’t Bear Cub the cutest of the cutey cutes? I suppose all pet owners think their animals are the cutest. BUT THEY ARRRR(F).

Oy vey, have you watched “The Princesses: Long Island”? It’s about a group of emotionally stunted, rich, nearly 30-something Jewish girls who still live with their parents, binge drink and pop Adderall (one of them, anyway), and do EXCEPTIONAL imitations of their mothers, naturally. They also incorporate a lot of Yiddish slang into their speech, which I LOVE. I binged on the first season last night while waiting for Joshy to come home from yet another weekend mountain trek. I’m sort of in love. I mean, I can’t tolerate any of those “Housewives of….” shows, but somehow…this works for me. It’s mishegas! Not to mention one of them is a midge (4’9) and she gives MAYJUH Neely O’Hara realness.

I wish our blue hydrangea was this fabulous-looking. This was at a dog park in Snohomish, in the parking lot–I just had to capture what a hydrangea is supposed to look like, as opposed to ours, which only has one tiny bloom on it this year. Boo hoo!

maggie on two pillows
Maggie likes to keep it real. Real comfortable.

swimming Maggie
When she’s not swimming, that is. These dogs are SPOILED! So many walks and swims, and summer is only halfway over!

I AM WORKING and I’m SO happy about it. You have no idea. Or do you? Anyway, all earnings will go into our sad savings account, and meanwhile it’s my favorite season which means I get to wear all of my favorite clothes to work, meaning: dresses and skirts. No sandals, unfortunately–that would be nice. Then again, I wore little ballet flats today and what happens? Someone tromps onto my foot. Happy Monday.

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