Before you go to school today, please throw that chewing gum away*

sally lounges
This photo of Sally doing what nearly-13-year-old dogs do best pretty much summarizes my energy level right about now. I took a leisurely amount of time doing my morning coffee routine today, and around 1 pm thought, who wants to go to the gym when it’s 76 degrees and perfect and sunny outside? NOT ME, HANK MCGEE. So the rogs and I had a 2 mile hike around Marymoor Park. Followed by a leisurely flop in my neon hammock. Is it wrong that it’s 5 pm now and I want coffee?

I’m attempting to give up my sugarless gum habit, which I’ve had for years and years and years (even when I had a smoking habit), and it’s kind of hard. I’m giving it up for two reasons: 1. When I see people smacking gum it grosses me out, and I’M ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE, and 2. My favorite gum has a C- rating on this website, and contains BHT, which probably causes cancer. I don’t need to be chewing this shit every day. Anywhooo.

Most boring blog entry of the month goes to…? HI.


* This is the beginning of a poem that I had to memorize for a grade school performance, and I still remember it. I think it’s by Shel Silverstein, although Google doesn’t seem to be providing proof. I also remember the one about the crocodile going to the dentist. Funny how memory works.

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