Hot time in the city

Happy Sunday blogging! I used to blog every day, but at some point realized that I could “get away with” only blogging during the week. And after 10 YEARS OF BLOGGING, that’s okay. Here I am pre-Boise, orange as can be. I have this “thing” where I feel the need to get a fake tan before vacations.

flying over Washington
Flying over Washington. Doesn’t it look like a lush, tropical island? Kinda? I finally broke down and wanted to blog by Thursday, the 4th of July, but my parents’ computer was all screwed up and progressively got worse as the week went on. I installed “Avast” and it seemed to make it worse. The night before I left I did a system restore…although I never checked back to see if it worked.

floral fingernails
Current nails. The same nail stickers I wore in Maui in 2011 (sniff sniff). They’re the perfect summer nails.

old Liz art
Some old Liz art, before I started painting.

I had a very relaxing week in Boise with my family. Went to the gym with my mother, who, because of her physically demanding job had only been twice in the past 4 years. She was really happy that I gave her the “push” she needed to get back. Walked to a sno cone shack with my brother. Watched “Independence Day” on Independence Day with my pops.

Flavor Burst
Had THREE butter pecan Flavor Bursts over the week because why not? You can’t find them in Seattle. I texted this picture to Corinne. She misses the Flavor Bursts too.

Eyes of the World
Had to make a pilgrammage to “Eyes of the World”, naturally, because they always have the cutest hippie sundresses that I can’t seem to find online.

dressing room
This was one I didn’t get. A little too short.

going back home
This was the one I ended up buying. As comfortable as a nightgown. I love it. Mumsie and I also went to Sephora (I bought one new nailpolish), and Victoria’s Secret, where we bought the same style and size of underwear. Perhaps it should bother me that I wear the same underwear as my 60-year-old mother, but…it doesn’t. I mean, they’re hiphuggers. Neon hiphuggers. I’m not ashamed!

3 legged dog farm
My parents’ neighbors. I couldn’t resist taking a photo of their sign (they do have a three legged dog). I went for a couple of walks around the block, and one bike ride on my brother’s bike. I was pretty active this week, considering it was over 100 degrees half the week. The first day I felt like I couldn’t breathe, but then I adapted. Air conditioning helps.

Sally is going to be thirteen this year! She sleeps about 90% of the time. Mom and I took her to the park just before sundown, when the temperature was cooler.

sharing the couch
Sally and I fighting for couch space. It looks like I’m sitting on her head…but I wasn’t!

Next time I need to book my trip for an entire 7 days–this was really only 4 full days and I could have stayed longer. It was a nice trip. I arrived back in town yesterday morning–Josh and I took the rogs to a dog park and then last night FINALLY bought the “Alien” anthology and started with the first one. I’ve been saying for years that we need those movies, and now we have them. We also bought “Friday” (damn you Best Buy and your 4 dollar movies!). And we went to 31 Flavors. It was a pretty darn good evening.

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