Dogs and Dangles

couple of dogs and a beautiful day
Ahhhh the weather has been so good this past week. Each day I get to decide what fun outdoor activity to pick! Which, of course, involves rogs.

This picture was inspired by someone I follow on Instagram, who always takes the most amazing close-ups of flowers from this angle with the sun shining behind them. These are dandelions, but I still like the effect.

upside down
Upside down, boy you turn me…

sunny smile
This self-portrait seemed to scream SPRING! so I made it my Facebook profile picture. I’m not on Facebook much these days. Everyone I know either just had a baby/is pregnant and it’s babies babies babies all the time time time and sometimes (often times) my hormones just can’t handle it. Not that I’m much of a Facebook fan anyway–it’s always given me mild anxiety.

new vests
“Reno 911” gives me zero anxiety! Weigel and Dangle are my favorites. OMG, I just remembered that I had a dream about the actor who plays Dangle last night. Ah ha!

field cub
I woke up obnoxiously late this morning, now trying to make up for it with a punishing Shred session and park plans. The Boy just called to tell me he only has one patient left, but somehow he makes two patients stretch into hours and hours so he can’t really be trusted. I’ll probably eat a salad and go to the park without him.

The more I’m out of the house, the better. Holy crap I need some WORK! Not just weeeerrrrrrrk.

floral patterns
Do you like my spring-like ensemble? We may go look at some tulip fields at some point this weekend. Although it’s forecasted to rain. Hmph. Oooh, I just got a real specific, intense craving for sushi all of a sudden. That ever happen to you?

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