Toes, flowers, and Scab Cub

blue nails and Dead shirt
Happy Monday. Are you totally jealous of the way my blue fingernails perfectly match my Grateful Dead tee shirt??? I knew you would be.

The Boy got himself a haircut yesterday. He also went to REI and some place called “Feathered Friends” to scope out backpacks for his upcoming birthday present, and while perusing the “garage sale” section of REI…

hideous toe shoes
…he actually thought it would be a GOOD idea to buy these hideous toe shoes. “SELL OUT!” I shouted at him, and then we both tried cramming my extra-long monkey toes into them (no dice). I HATE TOE SHOES.

living plants and dead plants
Live blooms and dead blooms. The “butterfly bush” will come back in the summertime, but I’m not sure about that miniature rose bush I bought for 5 dollars at the grocery store. I finally broke down and bought flower fertilizer last year; now I just need to remember to use it.

If you want an okay-looking bunch of flowers that you have to perform zero maintenance on and that bloom forever, get yourself some primroses. I can’t kill these guys.

Scab Cub
Presenting…Scab Cub! I know the picture is blurry, but trust me, you don’t want to see that thing any sharper. It’s a big scabby wound that’s finally starting to fall off (I have to resist pulling it off), with a shaved area around it. Given all these problems with Bear Cub’s skin, I’m beginning to think that maybe I don’t want a furry Bernese Mountain Dog for my next dog. Maybe just another lab. You know, after Maggie dies, of course. Arf.

2 thoughts on “Toes, flowers, and Scab Cub

  1. I have to say, I’d really have to resist picking the scab off of the dog as well. I know it’s gross, but you admitted to it first, so that makes my confession a little better, right?

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