“If you want to see the girl next door, go next door.”*

rawhide baseball
Look everybody, it’s a rawhide bone in the shape of a BASEBALL! I am the greatest dog owner EVER. I bought this at a dollar store that was advertisting “going out of business 30% off EVERYTHING!”, along with tampons, shaving razors, horrible grape Bubbalicious gum, and a pregnancy test. Yes, a dollar store pregnancy test. WHY NOT?

Bear Cub gets a trim
Poor little Bear Cub having a shave. She still has the cone on, as the gross thing on her side is not even close to ready for her to poke at. It’s scabbing over, but huge. I haven’t taken any pictures of it, but let me know if you want to be grossed out, I’ll certainly do that.

Sun sun SUN and lashes. These eyelash extensions have been more annoying than ones in the past–I think because they’re the longest ones I’ve ever had. They constantly flip the wrong way and need to be combed out, and they get in the way when I wear my glasses, which is most of the time when I’m at home. Suffering for glamour!

pretty tulips
Nice-looking tulips. He still brings me flowers on a regular basic. This August we will have been married for 5 years; this November we will have been together for 8. 8!!! Time flies. When you’re married to a bubble butt.

* that quote was from your best friend, Joan Crawford. “Rain” is in our instant queue! I’m looking forward to it.

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