
kiddies in the yard
Easter Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day. We picked up the Broad and hoofed it over to the Boy’s cousin’s house for “dinner” at 3 pm.

Chris blowing bubbles
Nice blue underpants, Chris.

chowing down
There was quite a spread. We brought a green salad, which was mostly ignored.

a little sunshine
Two Tylenol and two Excedrin later, I was able to tolerate the pain. However, if something stronger had been available, I would have eagerly snatched it up. I’m going to call my doctor and have her explain to me how effective Clomid is supposed to be when I’m in too much pain to have sex! I mean, seriously!

Liz and Tori
Tori, another shameless camera-loving girly girl.

kids capturing eggs
Egg hunt! I stole an egg from one of the children (egg snatching was very popular that day), but after I discovered it contained jelly beans I gave it back.

Corinne plays
Here’s Corinne playing with the Boy’s new toy, some stick-and-ball thing that is, according to his mother, “all the rage” in Spokane.

And here’s a video of her getting it right!

Happy Hump Day! I’m tossing around the idea of re-painting this painting, which I sold a couple of years ago, with a different colored background. Whaddaya think?

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