Nail polish nostalgia, a care package and a Bear cut

flapper painting in progress
More progress on the flapper painting. I like how this one is shaping up.

glitter fingernails; glitter box
Current nail polish conditions. I added some teal glitter polish over the top that I’ve had for an insane number of years. It smells bad, and takes forever to dry, but time has thickened the glitter nicely. Another polish of mine that’s aged well? Hard Candy. Remember those suckers? You can only buy them at Walmart now, which I refuse to do, and it’s a cryin’ shame. I always loved how the polish came with a matching plastic ring.

the future
Miranda July is a weirdo.

Good news: my doctor called yesterday and the slew of blood tests I just had done–full panel, vitamin D, thyroid and progesterone–all came back excellent. I think she may have thrown in the word “fabulous”. Hurrah! Now that I’ve had multiple baby-related tests that have all come back with good results, I want to send the Boy back in for another semen analysis. It’s his turn. It takes two to tango!

package from Jenn
Recently I purchased a discounted Urban Decay palette from Jenn, who sent it to me in a delightful “care package”, including a quilting kit, fabric scraps, photos from our time together last summer, and two gorgeous pillowcases that she made herself! She also included handmade pillowcases for Corinne, too. What a sweetie!

Urban Decay palette
Oooooh, ahhhhh. Oh Urban Decay palette, you are going to make me happy for a loooong time.

blue eyeshadow test
I had to promptly try out multiple shades of blue, and quickly photograph them before the sun went down. I am completely dependent on daylight for painting/photography needs.

BC gets a trim
Given Bear Cub’s crusty infection lately, we decided she was due for a shave and a bath. The Boy had the brilliant idea to put the cone on her while she was being shaved–she’s very sedate with the cone on, and it worked to calm her down for the shaving, which she hates. This process takes a while–Bear Cub has a LOT of fur.

shorn BC
MAAAAW look! A shorn cub! Part of me feels bad, this being winter and all, but really now her fur is as short as Maggie’s. Despite the disgusting weather and my Raynaud’s I’ve still been taking them to the park every day, and Bear Cub’s furcut doesn’t seem to be affecting her happiness at the park.

clean teeth gel
Gel instead of brushing? Sign me up!

Can you buh-lieve it’s already mid-January?! I have a job interview tomorrow morning for a second job–let’s keep our fingers (and monkey toes) crossed that I get it. We are poor right now–which is common in January, but also not helped by an oil bill (500+ dollars), vet bill (100+ dollars), and a slew of other things. Why, I wanted to go thrifting the other day bad and “pop some tags” but we’re too poor to thrift! The shame.

4 thoughts on “Nail polish nostalgia, a care package and a Bear cut

  1. Crossing everything for your interview tomorrow. The new Urban Decay is beautiful as are those pretty blue nails and eyes! I’m scared of colored eye shadows because I don’t know how to apply them. There I said it. I want to have a makeup party with you and Christopher 🙂 Right now!!!

    The flapper girl is grand!

    1. Scared of colored shadows! Oh my dear, my dear…Christopher and I will have to take you to M.A.C. the next time I visit Portland! And thanks for the painting compliments.

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