Dog silhouettes and a sad Cub

Finished #silhouettes of the girls. #painting #dogs #wood #acrylics
Finished up these silhouettes of the girls this weekend. Both are acrylic paint on wood, with the border painted black glitter (unfortunately the glitter is not visible in this photo). I started Maggie’s silhouette months and months ago–it looked different when I first started it. I got rid of the decorative border and added shading instead. Overall, I’m pleased with how they turned out–I’ve always loved silhouettes, and it seemed logical to do silhouettes of the dogs before doing ours.

Poor Bear Schnub. An expensive visit to the vet on Friday yielded a diagnosis of an “infection” (duh), with the remedy of antibiotics, “vetprofen” (dog-friendly version of ibuprofen), and one of those sad plastic cones (she’s worn one before, when she got fixed). They shaved around her infection–on her right front leg and her left ear–making her look about 10,000 times more pathetic. The Boy and I did a little reading about doggie fungal infections in between episodes of “Boardwalk Empire” last night–the website advised switching to a sugar-free, gluten-free diet. How ironic, the dogs are going to be on the same diet that we’re on! The website also advised a fungal shampoo and anti-bacterial rinse, so I went out to the pet store today and purchased those things. Meanwhile, I haven’t taken them to the dog park, because why would a miserable, rash-covered and cone-wearing Schnub want to go out in public? Let’s just say this: it’s sad, friends.

The Boy went skiing early this morning so he’d have plenty of time to watch football the rest of tonight (groan). He and Corinne went to see “The Hobbit” yesterday together–how romantic! They arrived at the wrong time so they had to watch the 3D Imax version instead–NIGHTMARE! You couldn’t pay me to do that. I stayed home with sick Schnubs, ingested plenty of coffee, practiced my winged liquid eyeliner and caught up on Season 4 of “Maude” instead. Who had the better time, do ya think?

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