
josh and molly
Molly/Bear Cub/Bear Schnub when we first brought her home, 2008. All together now: MAW.

I’m currently waiting for the vet’s office to call me back. Bear Cub has a “hot spot” on her right leg, which has gotten larger over the past two days. Last night while I was inspecting the hot spot I noticed she has scabs in her left ear, and while I was inspecting the scabs (aren’t you glad you stopped by this blog?) I noticed she has some sort of moist, infected-looking wound above her left ear. GROSS, BEAR CUB. All together, this warrants a trip to the ol’ vet, which she absolutely hates.

“She doesn’t hate it, she loves it,” slurred the Boy last night (three beers, three episodes of “It’s Always Sunny” and he was NOT feeling a lot of concern for Schnubs).

I’m the one who takes her! She stiffens up like a board and won’t let them touch her!” I cried, and then added, dramatically, “I don’t think you love the dogs at all.”

He answered this by rolling over and passing out, while I stayed up reading a chapter of an incredibly vapid book called “Model”, by a model, about modeling. Why do I do this to myself?

In other news, I’m working on applying for a second job, since my current job hasn’t given me any work for about two months and it’s getting a little old. I’m finishing up the dog silhouettes today. I’m going to force my husband to do Jillian Michaels’ “30 day Shred” with me. That about covers it. Happy Friday, blog-logs!

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