Giving thanks

silver holiday outfit
Dressed up Thursday night for Thanksgiving dinner at the Boy’s grandparents’ house.

“Too much silver,” he said.

“There’s NO SUCH THING!” I said. “Anyway, it’s a holiday. Celebrate!”

silver jeans and rhinestone flats
He had to work on Thanksgiving, but went in extra early to be off by 4. It’s been two weeks since I last worked and I’m still up at 6 am this morning, no alarm. Just one of the “joys” of being elderly. Also, once I take my Tr@zadone I’m out for the count before 11 pm. Not even an enthralling book by John Waters can keep my eyes open.

mother and daughter
The Boy’s cousin Alyse, looking very photogenic with her little gamine haircut and striped dress, with her mother.

Brenna is always cute
Brenna always looks good. I’m more than a little in love with her Frye boots (they’re the perfect shade of leather), and told her recently that she’s lucky we don’t wear the same size shoe!

Ronia and Elliot love eachother
Maw, look, even Elliot and Ronia were hugging each other. Thanksgiving was good this year–all of the kids got along perfectly, no drama. Grandpa Lew is recovering from a bout of pneumonia and had trouble keeping his eyes open, but everyone else was healthy and happy.

Joshy is posing

ipad enthralled
The ipad: fun for multiple generations.


Dinner was delicious. I made banana bread muffins (I sampled one–yum) and left them at the house for everyone to enjoy. The oyster stuffing this year was particularly good. Atkins, schmat-kins.

kids playing together quietly
Children playing together quietly! A Thanksgiving miracle!

Elliot's rocket cake
Elliot’s seventh birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year, so they had a little party for him after dinner. Brenna made the cake.

Elliot blows out his birthday candles
Ronia is so cute.

opening prezzies
While browsing toys I found a collection of “Angry Birds” games and texted Brenna to ask her if he had any of them. He had two out of three, so I bought him the third one, and success! He was happy. I love a happy Elliot.

studying the gifts
Ronia was happy to assist the birthday boy with his presents.

make your own chewing gum kit
The coolest gift, I thought, was from his parents–make your own chewing gum kit! I want one! I love chewing gum!

Happy, um, Monday? I’m posting a painting to Etsy today, and starting another, hopefully. The painting bug’s back, FINALLY. Yay!

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