Potato, poh-tah-toe, let’s call the whole thing off (the end)

purple dress
Here’s the adorable purple sundress I purchased at “Eyes of the World” whilst in Boise. I wore it to the hair salon, where my brother and I received cheap-o haircuts. The hairdresser barely even wet my hair. She barely cut it too, but I suppose that’s better than cutting off too much. I mostly got my hair cut for moral support–my 26-year-old brother is balding and he’s not taking it well.

purple dress bottom
Looky looky, it has cute little owls on it! I couldn’t resist.

twisted straps
I love the twisted straps, too.

tangled hair
My final sunblonding session outside. Over the course of the week the weather cooled down (to 95 degrees).

white flowers
I kept seeing white butterflies flitting around, but as soon as I whipped out the camera, they took off.

white butterfly
Ah ha–got one!

The butterflies inspired me to make a series of dumb videos where each time I spot a butterfly, I sing portions of the “Reading Rainbow” theme song. I know, I know…what am I, eight? Here’s one:

I fuck up the end by pressing the “take a photo” button instead of the “record” button. I do that ALL THE TIME. Sheesh.

anniversary prezzies
…and then I returned home to this. Presents! Just like I ordered.


Happy…er, mid-week? I’m stuck at home today; my car is in the shop. The Boy tried to get the emissions tested while I was gone and it was rejected because the “malfunction indicator” light was on (like always). So that’s getting fixed, as well as the air conditioner, FINALLY. Not that I need it around here, but we have decided to drive my car to Berkeley and I’m thinking we’re gonna need it in California, even Northern California. Oof. I’m scared about the cost of these repairs. I suspect it’s going to be ugly. Heigh ho.

2 thoughts on “Potato, poh-tah-toe, let’s call the whole thing off (the end)

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