French fried per-tay-toes: part 2

orange and pink towel
We’re back in Boise, and I’m enjoying my new China Glaze neon tangerine toenail polish and attempting to lay out in 100 degree weather.

blonding tools
Every time I laid out it was mostly just so I could sizzle my hair with this stuff, which I haven’t had the opportunity (or sunshine) to do at home. It works! Just don’t overdo it. I knew I overdid it last summer when, in the fall, my hair still looked obviously fake and platinum (see: here).

Suuuuuffer, sister. Man it was hot. I think I handled it slightly better than last year, though.

bikini spread
The current spread. I have been unsuccessfully doing WW now for almost two months; making it my most pointless diet ever. Does it even matter*? Do you think anyone’s going to care at my cousin’s wedding that I’ve put on a few? Puh-lease.

Sally enjoys a rawhide
I went to Zamzow’s and bought the dogs one of those plastic tennis ball throwers that are WONDERFUL for Shelly the maniac, a rawhide for Shelly and Sally (Abby I figured is too old now 🙁 ), and a box of jerky sticks.

Shelly is a camera hog
Shelly chowed down her rawhide and proceeded to take care of Sally’s too. Shades of Maggie!

Mom and Shelly
A glimpse of Mumsie wearing fleece sweatpants, pretty much the only comfortable pants she could wear post-surgery. She does not stay down, that woman! She told me at work she “runs circles” around the younger women, and I believe it.

Shelly and the frisbee
Shelly can fetch a frisbee allll dayyyyy looooooong.

Shelly flies
Look at her fly!

I’m kind of glad my parents got a young, spunky dog, instead of an elderly blind three-legged dog like my mother undoubtedly wanted. Oh wait a minute, I just remembered. She wanted a bichon frise. Heh.

Dad's motorcycle outfit
My father in his motorcycle outfit. Nobody can get him to wear a helmet, even though he owns like 5 of them. Currently he is sporting these do-rags–he thinks I should abandon my pettipants store and make do-rags in “fun colors”. Sigh. I said, doesn’t somebody already do that? I’m sure somebody does. Hey look, a two second Google search produced this!

My legs were pretty tan for a couple of days. Thanks, fake tan. On Sunday I sat outside with a wet washcloth and scrubbed off the tan…and discovered my lily-white flesh underneath. Um, gross?

pretty moon
The moon was pretty.

evening roses
More flowers! Can you even contain your excitement?! Stay tuned for part three: a purple dress! More sunshine! And…video!

* nope!

2 thoughts on “French fried per-tay-toes: part 2

  1. That’s very interesting.
    ” Right around the corner.”
    A guy called ” Young” would say that all the time!
    You related?

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