Potatoville, part 1

Hey dudes, I’m back from B-town. I arrived home Saturday around 4–it was actually 90 degrees in Seattle. Probably the hottest day we’ll have all summer…and we went out for piping, hot Italian food. For our anniversary, of course!

summer mix
My photos from Boise include mostly dogs, flowers, and self-portraits. Although I suppose that makes up about 95% of this blog, doesn’t it? Maybe instead of “Glitter for All” it should be “Dogs, flowers, and self-portraits ‘r’ us”.

tan lines
My poor Pops, working outside all day long in 100 degree heat. Check out those tan lines! Actually, I’m happy he has work. It’s been a dry couple of years for him.

Shelly is adorable
Here’s Shelly, that adorable hyper maniac. She likes to chase tennis balls, frisbees, chunks of wood, shadows, light refractions? Everything. Her energy level is similar to Maggie’s at that age…four.

Sally is fat
Sally has gotten, let’s face it, f-a-t. Luckily in her old age she’s gotten too bored to snarl at me every time I overstep my boundaries with the petting (she doesn’t go for more than a minute of affection, unlike Maggie, whose need is ENDLESS).

red roses
My mother’s (cobweb encrusted) red roses.

pumpkin patch
She has two pumpkin patches, and they’re already starting to grow pumpkins. They’re huge! This is why I want to plant stuff directly into the ground, rather than have plants/vegetables in pots. Hells bells. If we’re still living in this house next year, I’m gonna dig up a little plot. Kevin wouldn’t mind, would he? It’s not destruction of the house, it’s an addition.

pink flowering bush
Want to know what I had for dinner at the Italian restaurant? Of course you do. A chopped salad with avocado, four cheese ravioli in a pesto Alfredo sauce, and cheesecake smothered in fresh strawberries for dessert. We went to Maggiano’s, where for 40 bucks you get a pair of appetizers or salads, two entrees and a dessert, but the best part of the deal is you get two more entrees to take home, so the Boy has lunch for a couple of days. Sweet.

My mother and I both detest the smell of lavender. Just part of being a “super sniffer“, I guess (also: “super weirdo”).

When I left my mother she was only taking one pain pill a day, and we went for a 30 minute brisk walk outside in 90 degree heat the afternoon I flew home. Her recovery from surgery was fast. I’m happy!

beautiful pink rose
I received a set of three tiny diamond chip embedded earrings, three pairs of neon kneesocks and four bouquets of flowers from the Boy for my anniversary present. I gave him a refrigerator magnet that says “Jesus Loves Potatoes” on it. Love?

little Mom
Here’s my mom as a little girl, perched on a pony. Apparently these pony portraits were all the rage back in the day…

little Dad
…because here’s my father on a pony too. So cute! He looks exactly like my brother at that age.

I found my old, tattered “Where’s Waldo” books in the bookshelves and went to town.

Where's Waldo?
I could not for the life of me find the Waldo with one missing shoe. I actually had to look up the answer, because I’m a loser. Can you find him? If not tell me, I’ll tell you the answer.

Stay tuned for Part 2…sunbathing in 10 minute intervals! More dogs! And motorcycle outfits!

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