Shoes, warm wishes, and ‘shrooms

really ugly shoes
The Boy thrifted these shoes recently–why, I’ll never know. He looked them up later on and found out that they’re “water” shoes. Reminds me of my brother’s neon pink water shoes when he was little–he wore them so much they started to ROT. ROT!

pink and orange Sauconys
However, in Cute Shoe Land, feast your eyes on my pink and orange Sauconys. I already have the same shoe in green, I LOVE THEM. So comfortable.

rogs ahead
We’re leaving tomorrowwwww! God I hope the weather in Spokane is at least warm. I hate these phony Seattle “summers” that only heat up in August and last two weeks.

new blackberry leaves
I may blog while in Spokane, we’ll see how “busy” I am. Ah ha, ha ha haaaaa. My only real plan is to hit up Finders Keepers at least once for a bauble, my own personal tradition. I’ve gotten some nice pieces of jewelry there. Like this, and this, and many more.

furry companions
This trip to Spokane is a family reunion, with some of the family camping in the Boy’s parents’ backyard. The toughies. We are part of the toughies. We love tenting it.

ferns closer
Unfortunately we are not allowed to set off any fireworks whilst in Spokane, due to the high number of dry pine needles in the yards. DAMN! I so look forward to my sparklers every year.

ferns aplenty
Maybe I should bring a second memory card, seeing as how the current one filled up after only a lousy 233 photos at Gay Pride.

bear jacket
Have you seen this show “Workaholics”? It’s kind of cute. I’m sure you can guess who my favorite character is (hint: the one in this photo).

amazing red mushroom with red stem
Would you look at this amazing red mushroom I saw the other day? There were three of them, on the ground, bright red. A week later they were gone. Maybe I missed out on some crazy psychedelic mushroom experience…oh wait a minute, I DON’T DO THAT ANYMORE! Forgot.

thorns in the sun
Today I have to get a fake tan and do my nails and pack. Luckily I don’t have to look too cute for Spokane, but I have to look GREAT for Portland. I’m seeing my #1 Gay! Squeal! Squeak! Catch you later, blog-logs!

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