Pride Part 3: the end

unicorns and cowboy boots
Here’s the last batch of Pride photos. Have you noticed that, no matter what city, Pride photos kinda all look…the same?

that girl has flair
Take it from me: they do. I’ve done extensive Flickr research.

Lizzie in the crowd
But this is the only set that has me in it! That must have been during the five seconds that the sun came out. I worried, briefly, about my scalp burning–but I didn’t have to be concerned for long. BRRR.

that dude
I gave my camera to the Boy for a minute or two and he captured this dude. Not his real hair, mind you, just a wig–that gradually grew more askew as the day wore on.

Corinne, I totally think you should do roller derby. You’re into pain.

pink fur
I was disappointed that I never saw the Cancan float this year–they always have the most fun-looking display. Last year it featured a waterslide!

Ah, Neighbours, Seattle’s crustiest gay bar (not really). The Boy and I went on one of our first dates to Neighbours–I wore a pink wig. The music was bad. That’s about all I remember.

in flight
Oooh, tumblers!

On the whole I find gymnastics kind of creepy, but I have to admire people who can do this. I can barely execute a cartwheel.

hoopers (and Batman)
Hoopers! And Batman…on rollerblades! He was quick.

That’s a pretty ugly hoop. What is it wrapped with? Weird.

Gaysha Starr
Gaysha Starr, the other Filipino emcee. See what I mean about the hair and make-up? Flawless!

a vision in white
The pink suit = meh, but I like the detail of the rhinestones “dripping” from the cuffs, pockets, and collar. That’s cool.

your guess is as good as mine
I have no idea. But it got a good crowd response.

nude painted cyclists
Right about the time that the nude, painted cyclists showed up (everyone’s favorite!), my memory card filled up. I was PISSED!

cute boy in orange sweater
I actually erased a couple of crappy shots to get a picture of this boy, who I spotted when we went inside Starbucks briefly to warm up and subsequently was mesmerized by. He was just so damn elegant. Bopping his head a little, and that outfit, I mean, who makes denim cut-offs look chic? HOT.

Welp, that’s it. My fourth Pride, third Seattle Pride. I wish it had been warmer, but what are you going to do, eh? It’s Seattle!

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