Booze, cupcakes and the Addams family

GROSS. He actually drank this. He said it tasted “refreshing” at first but then not so good after that. Uh, yeah!

Josh and Maggie ham it up
If you were wondering how his nightly beer drinking affects my sobriety, the answer is: not at all. I associate beer with being really fat anyway, so it’s not remotely a temptation.

Maggie craves affection
He is not, however, allowed to drink chardonnay or hard liquor in the house, my only rules. Speaking of liquor–Washington just decided to okay selling liquor in grocery stores. The Fred Meyers I shop at is tearing up the entire store to make room for the booze. Greeeeeeeeeat.

Josh and Maggie are cute
Ten years ago maybe I would have been stoked, now I’m just irritated because I don’t know where anything is anymore. I have to hunt and peck like a man when I shop. Corinne tells me that they are severely taxing the shit out of the booze though, which oddly pleases me. SUFFER, SUCKERS.

chocolate patriotic cupcakes
Not even remotely vegan. “Four days until I start making vegan dinners every night,” I told the Boy last night, “So you better tell me what you want.”

“Hot dogs,” he said, without hesitation. Hot dogs it is, friend! You ask and you shall receive!

chocolate patriotic cupcakes close up
At Burning Man 2009 I had been vegan for something like a year and a half and I “accidentally” (purposely) ate a kosher beef hot dog and it was THE BEST THING EVER. Truly.

Wednesday is a firebug
Is it wrong that I love those Addams family movies? I think not. Also: I want that fabulous lighting that Angelica Houston has around her eyes in real life, all the time, please.

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