rog and roll

found Easter egg
About a week after Easter I found this Easter egg at the dog park…

found Twix
…and, in a moment of weakness, ate the Twix inside. Does that make me gross?

Maggie face
In the morning Maggie somehow senses the exact moment when my eyelids start fluttering open, jumps into bed and hurls her dogbody up next to mine, rolls onto her back and waits for the scratching to begin. Shameless.

flowers and Maggie dog
I bought her some beef-flavored (!) glucosamine tablets at the pet food store, and I’m hoping they will help her hips. I just can’t figure out why she walks/runs just fine all day, but then at night hobbles around. What’s it all about, Mags? She is about 10 pounds heavier than she should be, maybe that’s a factor?

tail fluff
Meanwhile, in Schnub land, that fur is about due for a trim. I used to loathe the idea of trimming Bear Cub’s fur but I realize now she looks much cuter with a trim. And shucks, for that matter, so does this guy! Down with dreadlocks! Screw you, hippies!

blond fall and silk top
Speaking of hippies.

knit shorts and silk top
Pretty pretty?

Dame Edna's Neighbourhood Watch
Pettipants are all I plan on doing today. That and a trip to the old gym. The Boy informed me this morning that he wants to do the “South Beach” diet for his remaining two weeks participating in the biggest loser contest.

“Oh?” I said. “When do you want to start that?”

“I don’t know…” he said. That doesn’t sound very promising, right? Bloody South Beach diet. I’ve done it before, sure. I’ve done them all before. And you know what? I don’t feel like dieting anymore! I mean, I’m running now, shouldn’t I be able to eat anything I want*?

* YES!

8 thoughts on “rog and roll

  1. I’d friggin eat that twix too, what? Your doggies are too cute and yes you should try and get her to her ideal weight it will help I promise. I think it acts up at night because just like us when we sit or lay for a while we can get a little stiff. I have been feeding my lil Peetee those tabs daily for the last 5 years, they help too, just keep at it.
    I’d so rock those pettipants!

  2. I used to take Glucosamine for a knee issue and although it works,it’s good to be aware of some of the side effects. Primarily, how it’s a blood thinner. Slows down clotting. To be avoided before any surgical procedure. In my case I was one of the fortunate few who would suddenly have their nose erupt with blood in a spontaneous nose bleed.After 3 or 4 episodes of that bullshit, no more glucosamine. Muscle strengthening and conditioning around the affected area became the treatment. Your friend Chris’s “predicament” sounds like awesome blog fodder. Hint this. lol

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