Fertility, food, and A Better World

neon snowsuit in hand
The Boy returning from one of his ski trips. When he pulled the neon snowsuit out of the back of his car, I shouted excitedly, “DID YOU WEAR IT?!?” Answer: nerrope. Too bad! If I ever accompanied him on one of those trips, somebody would wear that damn thing, you know it. Too bad it costs 60 bucks per day. 60 bucks to photograph my husband in a neon snowsuit? Is it worth it?

I’m pretty sure he’s done more skiing this year than any other year we’ve been together–it’s good for him. His body seems to be rebounding nicely too–he doesn’t have to ice/heat/infrared it nearly as often as he used to. Are the 10,000 vitamins he’s taking for fertility responsible? Maybe!

fabbuu florals
Speaking of fertility, I finally made an appointment next month to see someone about that. I’m scared, but it’s time. The last therapist I saw recommended a doctor to me. She said there was no reason for me to have “regular” therapy again–I just need to go to an OB-GYN who specializes in treating fertility and the mind.

“I got pregnant the month after my first appointment with her!” she added. Is that a great recommendation, or what? Sold!

outtake (too much contrast)
Outtake from my last pettipants photo shoot–too much contrast. I took some shots outside that day but the indoor ones turned out better…

outtake II (too close)
…except for when I’m too close to the camera.

gorgeous magenta lace
Magenta lace, I do believe you and I have a date today. I also have a babysitting date and, judging from the sunshine outside, a dog park date. Never mind that it’s 36 degrees outside, I SEE SUN!

workout schedules
Our workout schedules, posted on one of the kitchen cabinets. Although the Boy hasn’t lost a significant amount of weight (those pesky cheeseburgers keep flying into our mouths…), last time they weighed everyone at work for the contest he was in fourth place, out of 40 people. Not bad! There is a cash prize on the line. That makes all the difference.

peace bear
I suggested we go vegan (or “veeegan*”, as I like to say) for the rest of the month+ that the contest lasts. He said sure. This is the most easy-going man ever. I mean hell, as long as I’m cooking, he’ll eat anything.

better world shopping guide
This book appeared in our house. Neither one of us know who gave it to us, but it’s interesting. It analyzes a variety of brands, everything from airlines to wine–and assigns them a “grade”, based on how socially/environmentally responsible the brands are.

Wanna know the clothing grades? Of course you do. I scanned them:
better world--clothing
Nothing came as a huge surprise–I knew Macy’s had gone downhill when I attempted to spend a gift card there last year, although I didn’t realize they were that bad. Victoria’s Secret is a D! Well shee-yit. I guess I’ll have to burn all those bras my mother bought for me over the years…mwa ha har.


* Veeegan: Vegan with some exceptions, sometimes–like blue cheese salad dressing, the occasional ice cream…etc…etc…vegan without being snotty about it. Nobody likes that.

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