Acid, Wavy Gravy and gay cleaning

acid floral pettipants side
Readers of this blerg/my 7.2 F@cebook contacts may tire of this constant stream of pettipants updates, but…TOO BAD!

acid floral pettipants front
I am FEELING the acid floral pettipants. The fabric is a little psychotic, and wonderful.

acid floral pettipants on bed
This is what I’m doing now: making pettipants. I figure I may as well pump out as many as possible while I’m not working, fill up my store and then relax.

acid floral pettipants waist
Return to painting, even. Corinne’s tits have been calling to me, as well as this unfinished diptych.

acid floral pettipants detail
This lace is so pretty-pretty! I need to order more of it and put it on everything.

lace trims
Building up my flat lace collection. One of the stores I ordered from had the lace wrapped/pinned to pieces of cardboard, so I started doing that with all the lace. Makes it far easier to locate than the intimidating Box ‘o’ Trims.

Running out of furnace oil and having the temperature of your home plummet to 58 degrees is no fun!

rainbow surfboard
Sigh. This time last year we were gearing up for our wonderful glorious perfect trip to Maui. I MISS YOU, MAUI!

young Wavy Gravy
Despite my obsession with the 1960’s, I knew very little about Wavy Gravy (other than he had an ice cream flavor named after him, which is no more because it wasn’t “cost effective”, or, as Wavy puts it: “It was the most politically correct ice cream known to humankind.”).

Wavy Gravy
We watched “Saint Misbehavin’: The Wavy Gravy Story“, a sweet documentary about Wavy that really impressed me about what a great guy he is. Wavy and his wife direct Camp Winnarainbow, a performing arts program for children, organize concerts to raise money for different causes-like Seva, a foundation to combat preventable and curable blindness in the Third World, and a lot more. You can read about Wavy on his website here. Inspiring!

He has some great quotes:

“Keep your sense of humor, my friend; if you don’t have a sense of humor it just isn’t funny anymore.”

“We’re all bozos on the bus, so might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.”

And of course, his famous Woodstock quote: “What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000.”

I wish a team of hyperactive gays would come over and do our spring cleaning for us. Reeeeeally.

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