a damn near perfect day

me and Joshilo down by the schoolyard
Ohhh let’s face it, today was a damn near perfect day that needs to be recorded before I go stuff my face with the corn/turkey sausage/red potato/sweet pepper chowder I made tonight.

It had all of the key elements to a good day: waking up not too late but not too early (6 for the Boy; 8 for me), accomplishing action items (on the imaginary list I composed in my head)…

blue outfit
Going for a Sunday run/walk outside on some trails, where a very friendly yellow lab named Trigger followed us. His owners called down from their house at him, halfheartedly, and then finally offered, “He’ll come back!”.

preparing for my sun-in
He didn’t–he followed us happily during almost the entire duration of our run/walk with various dog toys in his mouth. It wasn’t a problem–kind of cute, actually–until we reached the busy street we needed to cross to go back to the car.

blue on blue
Trigger had zero interest in returning home, seemingly in love with Maggie and Bear Cub’s asses (well, who wouldn’t be?) and the Boy finally had to growl at him to make him stop following us, which I didn’t have the heart to do. Oh, when it comes to animals I’m a big ol’ softie.

ahhh sun = serotonin
And…and…despite some pathetic flakes of snow whirling around in the air, the sun was shining today! And we shared two donuts, instead of seven! Had S.F.T.* boldly during the day without worrying about the neighbors wandering over–thanks, new fence! Not to mention a little fabric shopping too. Yeah. Today was goo-ooo-od…and has boosted my serotonin beautifully before I embark on another week of work. Phew.


* S.F.T. = sexy fun times, of course.

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