forgotten frivolity

I hadn’t uploaded pictures from my camera for a while, and by a while, I mean…a whole 10 days! , so after I took the pettipants photos yesterday I had to laugh at the other 80 photos on the camera from the day I…

getting primped
Watched that faaaabulous documentary about the Seattle burlesque scene called “A Wink and a Smile” (again!), and remembered that the female form is a BEAUTIFUL THING TO BEHOLD!, which made me want to be pretty. Being pretty that day involved some hot rollers and an application of red lipstick…

bang bang
…but, because I’m me, this sort of candy-colored dementia was the final result.

show of hands
There are something like 20 variations of me in this outfit (sunglasses on, off! lace vest on, off!) but why would I subject anyone to looking at all of them, hmmm?

pink fur coat and green bedspread
I’ll save the “Marilyn dress” shots for another day, ahahahahaaa. The funniest part of this whole shebang is the fact that I completely forgot about this dress up afternoon, until I saw the pictures. STORY OF MY LIFE, FRIENDS.

a nice note

Despite the very exciting launch of Pettipants Revolution yesterday, I remain full of grump because my right ear is still filled with liquid. I don’t know why my body is still, in its advanced age, prone to ear infections, but it’s not fun. I’m going back to the doctor (walk-in clinic, really, because our insurance changed again so once again I have no primary doctor) to whine about it today.

Every time I have an ear infection–which used to happen, like clockwork, once a year, although it’s been a couple of years now–they tell me that people my age “aren’t supposed to get ear infections”–how is that helpful, telling me that? Like I’m doing it on purpose? Perhaps I should read up on preventative medicine. Maybe dog saliva causes ear infections? Or glitter? God forbid.

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