sunny January

sunny stretch
Hooray for sunny Seattle days! We have lucked out lately. The Boy tells me it’s supposed to snow on Monday, but merrrrr, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it! Meanwhile, hopefully the weather will cooperate tomorrow for our Saturday Run. That’s right! It’s gonna be our thing. He’s my official running coach.

sunny bedroom
I feel a little nauseous this morning, so I’m trying to think positive about it, i.e., maybe this is it, and I’m finally pregnant! Let’s face it: the next step is going to be yours truly going to the doctor for what is sure to be a costly procedure that we cannot afford. I am desperate to get knocked up the good old fashioned way, without intervention. I gave my body permission last night! I announced, out loud, “Okay, I’m ready to be pregnant now!” I’ve even been falling asleep naturally–without the aid of anything, except chamomile tea. That’s major progress.

sunny streamers
The Broad is going to be on my side of town for a school-related interview, so we may do something later on. After I go to the gym, of course. I had 3 weeks off from the gym and what did it get me? Increased anxiety. Exercise = Good.

Bear Cub with foot attached
Bear Cub’s luxuriant fur has completely grown back. Love it.

Here’s a video of me bugging Bear Cub with the camera until she attacks me, and then picking a scab off the top of Maggie’s head:

Happy Friday the 13th!

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