Halloween party prep
Hallo, stranger. My uber cheapie gold necklace set arrived in the mail yesterday. One of the reviewers said they only wore it once and then all the gold coins turned black (ew), but once is all I need!
My eyelash extensions are holding up marvelously. My sister-in-law had hers filled at the same time that I had mine done, and hers have almost completely fallen out but I’ve only lost 2 hairs. Evidently synthetic are longer lasting, if you can handle it. I forget they’re even on now, but the first few days I had them I felt very glamorous, even at the gym. Especially at the gym.
Working out headdress ideas using the Cleopatra wig on a wig head. That poor wig head–not only have the lips deteriorated like it has wasting disease but I also recently noticed that I had mashed real make-up onto the face at some point. Oh (Old) Liz.
Notice anything different about this painting? (Note to self: list this painting on Etsy!)
I received a very happy text message that Corinne has this Saturday off, hooray! That means 1. she’ll be able to attend our party and 2. she’ll make her delicious artichoke heart dip. Mmmmm. Just thinking about it is making me salivate.
These fake spiderwebs are neon green–they look amazing under the black light. We like black lights in this family.
The Boy’s disgusting spider nest.
Actually, I think having all the fake spiders around the house is helping my arachnophobia–the other day I was pacing around the backyard while on the phone and I saw an enormous crab-looking spider slowly climbing up the side of the house and then fall off and it barely bothered me.
Yesterday at the gym my car battery decided to EAT IT. It’s alllllways something, isn’t it, Volkswagen?
The weather forecast for today mentioned SUN. I hope Volkswagen doesn’t make me wait too long for them. Maybe I should give them a call. Yeah. I mean, I have gold spray paint to buy!
I meant to say before, those eyelashes are spectaculous!!
why thank you! I’ve been enjoying them! it’s fabulous to not have to put on mascara every time I leave the house.