RAW October show Part 2: fashion fashion fashion garbage

Onwards and upwards to the second half of the photos from the RAW artists October show we attended last Thursday.

petticoat floor show
I don’t think the silver petticoat was the most flattering outfit to wear, but the excited responses to it were wonderful. At any rate I got it out of my system (for now).

Annie Bach

Nate Knodel
Nate Knodel’s impressive, enormous oil paintings. It’s been a looong time since I painted anything on a canvas larger than 18 x 24. I do like a nice large painting.

L and J upstairs
Your Pals posing upstairs with drinks in hand–whiskey sour for the Boy; ginger ale for me.

Vincent Bachmann
I loved Vincent Bachmann’s art. I regret not meeting him, drat! That pesky art show A.D.D..

C and J near red couch

reggae music
This reggae band was really good.

reggae smile
I love reggae music! It always makes me happy.

Corinne is sassy and Josh is eating a hot dog
Could Corinne look any more adorable here? I peer pressured her into buying that pea coat from “Delias”–I have a similar one in royal blue. The Boy is inhaling a “Seattle dog”–hot dog with a heavy layer of cream cheese. Mmmmmm, cream cheeeeeeeeese.

model eating
The Boy caught this model eating (and glaring).

fashion set
There were four fashion shows that night, which was pretty cool.

namu model
Namu is a Japanese-inspired line, and the models had on short petticoats. Corinne and I had joked about my petticoat possibly matching the clothes in the fashion show, and in a way, it did!

Namu onstage
The model in the pink petticoat was adorable. So photogenic. She also had on one pink fishnet stocking and one blue, a nice touch.

red ponytails
Love the red ponytails. She complimented my petticoat after the show and I told her I loved her hair.

Not just female models this time.

shockingly good
Overwhelmed by all the fabulousity!

Corinne is cute
Corinne is so cuuuuute. I’m digging her new darker hair color.

leather pants
All of the models for the hair-and-make-up portion of the show were beautiful.

model line-up
Lovely line-up!

happy hair and make-up team
It seemed like 80% of the people at the show were guests of this team. This was my third RAW show–first show as a guest–and I’d never heard such loud cheering for any artist before.

lovely ladies
Well, who doesn’t like a good hair-and-make-up artist? Kissy, can you hear meeeeeeee?

cute false eyelashes
Love the 60s lashes on this model.

model smiles
Actually, I think I might have those lashes. No wonder I was so attracted to them!

trash bag couture
The final artist of the night made all of his clothes out of garbage sacks and bits of paper, right before the show.

paper garland bustle
The bustle on this dress was made out of paper garlands, which reminded Corinne and I of the Christmas garlands kids make in elementary school.

garbage sack dress with newspaper corset
Newspaper corset with…rhinestone details?

final show line-up
The designer was hysterical. He sounded like Harvey Fierstein (with bronchitis) and growled, “I make art.” Nice.

Me too, little guy. In fact, no time like the present.

2 thoughts on “RAW October show Part 2: fashion fashion fashion garbage

  1. I LOVE that garbage bag dress! I’m just imagining all the dirty looks I’d get from the squares in my city if I ever wore something like it out… how wonderful.

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