Oh oh oh, September

Helloooooo blog! I’ve been neglecting you I suppose. At the end of August Goo threw his first “Watermelon Party”. It was the first time EVER that everyone I invited came.

The boys invited their friends, and I invited my IVF sisters, who I see about once a year, if I’m lucky. They both brought their families.

I’m so happy that I know these women. They are very special to me.

Josh and I had our first-ever garage sale. Weird, huh? It seems like we would have had some in the past, but since I regularly donate to the thrift stores and Buy Nothing we never seemed to have the need. We did OKAY, I don’t know what’s normal. Better the first day than the second.

In Rosie news, she continues to be pretty. We recently went on a 6 day trip and left her with my mother. In that span of time she managed to tear through her mesh kennel door, escape from two latched gates outdoors (???), and eat my mother’s prescription sunglasses. From dog heaven I can imagine Maggie cackling, “Amateur.”

I mean seriously I have been working on adding glitter to this damn Styrofoam skull for WAY too long. Every time I think I’m finished, I see another little blob of neon paint that needs glitter on it. If I was wasteful with my glitter, I could have finished this a month ago. But alas, I am not wasteful. With glitter, food, or beauty products.

You can’t imagine how much I, a person who still hasn’t quite let go of the 90’s (in terms of the hip-hop I prefer and my eternal love of bucket hats) was excited that BIG JEANS are back!!! They are so comfortable and bring me joy, besides.

Three years of Covid self-portraits: 2020, 2022, and 2023. GROAN.

Here I am chock full of Covid, enjoying a little sun. This time the little redhead caught it from his teacher at school, gave it to big brother, who gave it to Josh, and I got it last. It wasn’t terrible–I lounged around the house and drank lots of daytime cough syrup–but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it.

We ended up taking over a week off of work, since we had staggered illnesses with the boys. At some point Josh convinced me to go to the park for a walk (see below).

Well ah…I can see that Flickr has messed up the chronological order of these pictures, heigh-ho. This was before we all had Covid, the day before I sent Goo off to first grade. Unless last year, I was not filled with anxiety. I was excited! Yay first grade!

We went for some lovely Fall nature walks and spied some painted rocks, and beautiful Amanita mushrooms.

On the last warm day we drove the boys to a lake we had never been to before and blew up ALL the floaties.

Pale Washingtonians enjoying some sun!

I visited the “Cup and Crepe” in Everett, where I will be displaying my paintings for the month of January. I’m starting to network more through Instagram to find more opportunities to display my art.

Gee, was that it? September wasn’t too exciting, huh? I guess that’s what happens when you get Covid AGAIN. I’ll be back to regale you with October next.

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