
Vaccines, art and WW


How goes it, blog? This is the end of February, so I thought I had better sit down and blerp this out. Consistency, yeeeees (said like Alex’s creepy probation officer in “A Clockwork Orange”).

Today I met Lola. 😍😍😍

What happened in February, 2021? I met my co-worker’s adorable new puppy Lola. Mmmm, puppieeeees. I want one. But not for a while.

Part 2 of #covidvacccine: complete! I am now protected. For those whining about side effects—let me tell you, Covid is MUCH WORSE.

I received Part 2 of the 2 part Covid vaccine! Now I’m feeling more confident about not catching it again. Not that I was particularly worried, after getting it last July.

New art by Goo! ✨

Goo created some cool art! This was a little baby turtle puzzle that he took the pieces out of and poured beads into. I poured in a gloss medium, and now it’s permanently cool!

Think: pink! On this gloomy February morning. Thoughts about my second round of using Lime Crime’s “Unicorn Hair” tint: Even though I used 2 jars and left it on for twice as long, the color isn’t any more pigmented. In the future, I’ll just stick to one j

I dyed my hair pink! I like this color even better than “Sushi” (it’s called “Bunny”), but for using 2 jars of the stuff and leaving it on twice as long AND only washing my hair in cold water, it faded shamefully quickly. I’m going to try one more shade of this product (periwinkle) and then I think I’ll go for something semi-permanent. Pink works on me.

Let’s hear it for NOT having February ennui this year. ✨

In hindsight I probably would have worn something cuter than the boring nude bra for this picture. Still. This is one of those “felt cute, might delete later” pictures.

Happy Friday! I hear we’re in for a bunch of ❄️❄️❄️this weekend, BOOOooooOO.

I had to document the pink hair a lot in the first 3 days…that’s about how long it looked good.

I told my patient to write a sentence today and this is what he wrote. He’s 90. There’s no age limit on flirtation, let me tell ya. 😂 #happyvalentinesday

I had a 90-year-old Dutch patient this past month who was a real piece of work. This is what he wrote when I asked him to write a sentence as part of a cognitive assessment. A few days later, I gave him a fairly easy worksheet to do. When he completed it, he told me how good he was at math.

“When I come back tomorrow,” I told him, “We’ll do something harder.”

“Tomorrow, you can sit on my lap, and I’ll give you something harder!” he cracked.

I laughed as I walked out of the room. Men! They never stop, do they?

THIS again.

THIS CRAP happened in February. Heavy snow for an entire weekend, and then rain washed it all away.

We lasted 13 minutes!

We played outside in it a little! Josh took the boys sledding down the street.

Happy Valentine’s Day! 💋

On Valentine’s Day we exchanged gifts, cards, chocolate, and flowers.

Happy Valentine’s Day to my number one dude since 2005 @djmagicelf 💋💋💋

I made this on Meitu, that fun Chinese app that will give you giant eyes, a bobble head, and make you look 2 years old. If you’re into that sort of thing. My Valentine since 2004!

Happy Fat Tuesday, baby! ✨✨✨

Fat Tuesday! I flashed Josh and he gave me beads and then took a variety of hideously unflattering photos of me. This was the “best” one.

Today at work I Sharpie-decorated some cloth masks. Drawing on creased fabric is challenging!

The activities lady at work gave me some plain white cotton masks to decorate and I did it with Sharpie, so that the old ladies would have something pretty to color in. She told me that they loved them.

Nice day for a run/walk with Bear Cub. I finished my Couch to 5K program a couple weeks ago and re-started it to improve my speed, which is sluggish. 🐢

Bear Cub! I re-started the Couch to 5K program, attempting to run a little harder. It’s tough. It’s like my body RESISTS running.

I bought myself this ridiculous 64-ounce water bottle to remind me to drink more water. So far, it’s working. 💦💦💦

I bought this insane 64 ounce water bottle to help encourage my water intake. It works! The trouble is, both boys love it too, so it constantly has baby backwash in it.

Brothers. 💕

Sweet boys. They look a lot alike but also quite different. Mr. Chunks is climbing on everything, still taking 2 naps a day, and has a ravenous appetite for everything except oatmeal.

One more non-art project before I return to painting. This one is TOUGH!

This mammer-jammer is my final “non-art” project before I return to painting. I already have two paintings lined up…in my mind.

Listen I know some of you don’t care about weight loss (you know who you are), but for the 90% of us who do, this is for you: I spent 3 months and 150$ on the #noom program and lost 0 pounds (I actually gained). I’m back at #weightwatchers, my old pal, an

I joined Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago, after 3 months on Noom yielded a net GAIN of 3 pounds. Talk about frustrating. In 3 weeks of WW I have lost 5.2 pounds, which really isn’t much in the grand scheme of things but when you are in a mega plateau liked I’ve been since last July, you’ll take anything you can get.

That sums up February! Next month I get to look forward to: Goo going back to school starting tomorrow (only 2 days a week, we can’t afford more), periwinkle hair, Mom moving out (that sounds mean but I’m actually really happy for her!), and my weight re-entering a new 10 pound range for the first time since October. It’s all good.

5 thoughts on “Vaccines, art and WW

  1. Holy cow. 2004, is that the right year? And I’ve been reading your blog from before you met him, over 17 years now. Just doesn’t seem that much time could have passed. Glad to see you’re still posting and haven’t succumbed to the mass migrations to twitter and facebook, blogs are a far better medium imho. Take care, K.

    1. You know, I got that date wrong. Josh and I started dating in November 2005. 2004 is when I moved to WA. Whoops! (still a long ass time)

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