Heyyyy youuuuu guyyyyys

Caption this.

What’s the good word, turds? I’m feeling sassy today. Third day of my period. Last week of my maternity leave. Last week of having my mom stay with us…for now.

Papa Steve has arrived. 💚

My father stayed for a week with us during Christmas, and was sick with a horrible, hacking cough and cold the entire time. He pretty much sat on the recliner, blew his nose and watched “Longmire” all week long. He did make his lasagna Christmas day though. THANK GOODNESS.

Merry Christmas 2019!

All things considered (is that an NPR show?), it was a nice Christmas. Christmas Eve at Shirley and Lew’s house, Christmas day at our house. Visits from the in-laws. Way too many presents for the boys.

Merry Christmas! 💥🎄💥

This is the first Christmas that Goo was really excited about! We tried and failed to make it “minimalistic”. You understand.

Josh got me a new couch for Christmas! 😂

I did get that new couch I wanted though. THANKS HONEY.

“Books are really the only thing you should give for Christmas.” — John Waters. I discovered that I really love Paula Poundstone’s sense of humor back in 2016 during my first pregnancy, so I’m really excited about this book Josh bought me for Christmas!

This is the one and only book I have read since I had Mr. Chunks back in October, and I enjoyed it! I have become quite the Paula Poundstone fan in the last couple of years. Even though she is a cat lady.

New book!

Here’s another book that languished in my Amazon wish list for the past 9 years that Josh got me for Christmas. I do love memoirs, so I’m hoping this book is worth a read.

Drawing time this morning with my Empowered Toddler, who always requests I begin with a smiley face. His attention span for art time is generally 10 minutes or less but hey, it’s something! 🌞✨🌈

Goo initiates Art Time, always tells me to start with a smiley face, and then 3-5 minutes later he is OVER IT. I still appreciate a little daily art time, though. I’ll take what I can get.

The joy of parenthood.

Mutton chops and nighttime baby fits! Oh yes! At three months old, Mr. Chunks is sleeping from 11 pm to 8 or sometimes 9 am, with still the one wake-up at 3 am by mama to feed. His naps suck, he naps a little in the morning and a little in the afternoon and that’s about it. Just like his brother. My boys don’t like to sleep.

“To tell the truth I am exactly what I want to be.” — Mike D

Other than the crappy sleep he is fat and delightful. Such a giggly and sweet baby.

In 2019 I: got pregnant with my final embryo, did an art show, sold some art, lost a job, gained a job, nearly flooded my house, lost Maggie dog, gave birth to my second/final child, and turned 40. It was one helluva year! Happy New Year IG friends!

At three years old, Goo is full of energy. He sleeps from 8 to 6 on a GOOD night, loves Play-Doh and working with his hands and superheros and watching Kids Youtube, like all kids these days. When he’s not having a toddler tantrum he’s a lot of fun. And he’ll still cuddle with me, which is a big bonus.

Note to self: in the future, don’t let your husband give you highlights at home. (they are over a year old but the damage remains) ⚡️⚡️⚡️Now I’m trying to decide if I should keep up the highlights or let my “natural” color happen.

My hair is a hot mess. I let Josh highlight it back in Fall 2018 and then I did absolutely nothing to it all of 2019, so now it’s dark blonde on top and fried yellow on the bottom and I can’t take it anymore! I hate spending money but I have booked myself an appointment this Sunday to get partial highlights and a little trim. No more DIY highlights, self. Repeat.

I did it! I finally put paint on something today! Feels so good to have a little normality back in my life.

Here’s my first painting project since July 2019…DIY Russian nesting dolls! Woo hoo! I have zero time to work on them, it may take months, but it sure makes me happy to have a creative project of any sort.

Today was gorgeous—53 degrees and sunny. Felt like spring! The kind of day that made me happy that I’m still on maternity leave. 🌞

A beautiful sunny walk with Bear Cub made me happy to be on maternity leave. I can’t believe it’s almost over. It’s always hard going back to work but I am lucky to only have to work part time. Enough time to appreciate my children, but not so much time away that I horribly miss them.

Art time with Goo-age this afternoon. He even painted! 🎨❤️🎨

Art Time with Goo in the basement. Maybe 10 minutes? Maybe.


Our favorite babysitter will watch the boys while I work three days a week, and Goo will stay in daycare for two days a week. Thank God!

Back at the gym and it ain’t easy, dudes. This second giant baby has taken a toll on my bod. Mega props to all you new moms out there…postpartum is rough!

36 pounds down and 22 to go, just to get to pre-pregnancy weight. I haven’t lost a pound in a month. I love my mother, but she cooks much richer than I do and insists on having cookies in the house. She eats one a day and doesn’t understand how that is not possible for me. I love her dearly but know that my weight will start dropping once she leaves here.

Forecast says ❄️❄️❄️ so Bear Cub and I are getting out while we can.

Being overweight isn’t the end of the world but I miss my clothes so much! Especially all my cute dresses!

3 years old today! 💙💚💙

Goo had his third birthday party at Shirley and Lew’s, and it was a success! Every person that RSVP’d yes actually showed up, for once. Amazing. No sick children.

A lot of people around here are rooting for the Seahawks! 💙💚💙

The in-laws came back into town for his birthday, which was sweet of them.

The saddest thing about this ridiculous snow day isn’t that Goo’s school is canceled or that I’ll have to delay my job interview. It’s that the giant, beautiful corkscrew willow tree in our backyard uprooted itself and will have to be cut down. 😢

About a week ago we had a crazy amount of snow. School was canceled for 4 days, I had to postpone a job interview, and the worst part: the giant corkscrew willow tree in our backyard, weighed down by heavy snow, completely uprooted itself. Josh had to cut it down with a chainsaw. Talk about depressing! It was the largest and prettiest tree in our backyard.

This dude is happy about the snow!

Of course, this little dude didn’t mind missing school for snow days. Not one bit.

Bear Cub has been quite the Snuggle Cub lately. 💕

Sweet Bear Cub. She just wants to hang around me, but I usually have a kid or two around.

This morning was beautiful. 💙💕❄️

The snow lasted about a week. Now it’s raining and bizarrely warm, like 50 degrees. Oh Seattle!

Goo and I found a rainbow this morning. 🌈

I figure I have about 15 minutes before the boys wake up from their nap so I think I’ll lay down for a moment with the heated blanket on and go AHHHHHHHHHHHH. See you next month!

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