Zombies, angel babies and attainable painting goals

Had to bring Goo to the walk-in clinic today for bacterial conjunctivitis…ugh. Good thing we are on top of it and my mom is here to help disinfect everything. 👀

Heyyyyy bloggo. Goo is at daycare and Goo2 (tentative nickname and I’m not committed) is semi-sleeping, so this seems as good time as any for my monthly blog post.


Goo2 remains, one month later (and 5 weeks old today) a very Good Baby. He is fat and sweet and I still only have to breastfeed him once at night, around 3 in the morning. Last night I considered just letting him tell ME when he wanted his “dream feed”, but then around 3:30 am I had to get up and pee anyway so I decided to just feed him then. Better to feed him at 3 am and fall back asleep (until Goo wakes me up at 6) then to be up at 5 for the whole day, I figure.


The quintessential “angel baby” shot. I printed this one out for the grammies too. Beautiful. All parents think their children are the most beautiful.

When Goo met Jack.

For Halloween this year we were zombies, aka “new parents”. I don’t have any pictures of our costumes on Flickr as they are in albums, but they are on my Instagram. Mom and I stayed home to hand out Halloween candy, and Goo and Josh went trick-or-treating at Josh’s work, where Goo met his HERO, Jack Skellington. Look at that grin! Even getting to sit in a fire truck that evening didn’t compare to meeting Jack!

Walking behind a fluffy dogbutt in nature—one of my favorite activities. 🐾

The best part is we all donned our costumes that morning, so Josh and I were fully made-up as zombies to take Goo2 to his two week pediatric appointment. You can imagine the entire clinic had a laugh seeing us in full costume–with fake blood, dirt, and me with Cheerios stuck to my face.

Test run with the Ergo. I never really was into wearing Goo, but I’m a little more uh…busy the second time around. 😅

The pediatrician said that Goo2 was so fat and healthy did we just want to go ahead and get him circumcised that morning?

“Besides”, she added, “This may be the only opportunity you have to get your child circumcised by Spiderman.”

Sure enough, the circumcision doc was dressed up like Spiderman. Goo2 did not have the same issues with his penis (hypospasia and chordee) as Goo, so they were able to proceed with the circumcision like normal. Thank God–the revision surgery Goo had to have at 6 months old was expensive (and somewhat nerve-wracking).

Check out the big brain on Brad!

Goo refused to wear his full zombie costume to school that day because we had smeared ketchup on it for blood, but once washed, it has hilariously become his favorite pair of pajamas. Of course! The crappy pajamas I bought at the thrift store to shred for the costume! Kids.

We got through a bout of pink eye with one without infecting the other. Now a cold. Kids are gross!

Goo always seems to want to be in my lap as I’m breastfeeding Goo2, and sometimes he tends to squeeze his brother’s tiny hands and feet a little TOO hard…but other than that, they are pretty sweet together. Goo always tells Goo2 how much he loves him, and kisses him. Mawwwwww.

Nice day for it 🌞

Other than the sweetness, there has been a lot of sickness at this house since I brought home Goo2. Goo has had pink eye twice, and has a nasty lingering cough, and Josh has had an awful cold, and a double earache that he may finally go get checked out today. He says he only seems to have it at night though. Hmmmm.

Last night we watched “Little Britain”, drank tea and ate cookies and tickled the feet of this chunk to get him to wake up for his final feeding. Spoiler alert: he didn’t wanna. 😴

Goo2 and I managed to avoid the pink eye and colds but I’m going back to my PT this morning for a “refresher” course and for her to assess exactly what kind of damage a 9 pound baby has done to my body, especially my abs. Sigh.

Backyard Bear Cub. 🐾
Play-Doh bowl sculpting with Grammy Fleeta today 💙

After my mom left early this month to attend my cousin’s wife’s baby shower (one of the SIX baby showers she is having), Fleeta flew over from Spokane to spend a week with us, which was lovely. She was very helpful with soothing a gassy baby, cooked for us, and got lots of baby cuddles.

My mother and her three siblings. What an attractive bunch!

My mother in CA, with her three siblings. Once again I was horribly jealous that I missed out on another family gathering. Luckily my cousin Kyle is getting married next year, and I fully plan on attending his wedding. Possibly even without my children! Party!

Three redheads. ❤️❤️❤️

Brenna and her family came over for a few visits. So many redheads!

Managed to get both boys to take a nap at the same time today 🙌

A day after Fleeta left, my mother flew back to help me some more. With Goo only in daycare two days a week, I need all the help I can get. Taking care of a toddler is exhausting, but adding breastfeeding and caring for a newborn in there and how does anyone get anything done? I mean seriously.


Any chance we can get out in the sunshine, we take it.


I haven’t had the opportunity to do anything artistic in the past 5 weeks, but I’ve certainly thought about it. Maybe I’ll start with painting my toenails, and branch out from there.

How has one month passed already? I feel like I was just in the hospital, obsessively eating popsicles and having contractions. This chunk is already out of newborn clothes and into 3 months. He is a hungry, happy little dude.

Sooooo delicious. I can hardly wait to see how cute he will be at six months, but at the same time…I don’t want to rush it. Once you have children, life passes you by so quickly.

Sunday morning. 💙

Next time I post a blog entry here, I will be 40 years old. I’ve been blogging since age 23. That’s commitment. I can’t stop!

Frosty ❄️

I’ve considered stopping when I turn 40. But why? I need it. And I still enjoy it.

2/3 of the people in this photo fell asleep during Gary Gulman’s “The Great Depresh” last night. Guess who? (I stayed awake and enjoyed it quite a bit)

And hey, there are still new things to talk about! Too many things, really, to capture in just one post a month. But that’s okay. Alright blog, time to paint my toenails so I have a feeling of SUCCESS. And then maybe, later, start to put something on a canvas? Wouldn’t that be special? Ta ta for now.

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