New art and some whining and complaining
Hiiii. This photo was taken on Valentine’s Day, which is also the date of the last time I blogged, when I didn’t have any pregnancy symptoms! HA HA HA! Things have changed.
I am now smack dab in the middle of week 7, and just this morning alone I had a terrible headache (I think I might be getting the cold Goo has), fierce heartburn that seemed unaffected by the Zantac I popped around 7 a.m., and waves of nausea that came and went at work this morning. Sea Bands are firmly in place.
This nausea was especially evident when a patient of mine had not one, but TWO episodes of emesis right at the breakfast table in full view of everyone else in the dining room. Big, ropey, phlegm-y wads that I had to carry away in a basin and dispose of. I almost threw up at work, which I have never done in my life. I hate throwing up!
And my boobs feel like they’re gonna fall off. You should hear the noises that come out of me when I release them from underwire the second I get home from work!
Let’s see…I also have to be on gross progesterone suppositories until I’m 12 weeks pregnant, and every 20 days when I refill them it costs over 300 dollars. Progesterone just amps up pregnancy symptoms, so you can imagine.
All that whining aside, who cares? I’m pregnant! I beat the odds, baby!
This is Josh’s allotted year to grow a beard, but it grossed me out so much I begged him to at LEAST wait until after summer to start growing it. For three days this was the facial hair “compromise”. Sigh. Eventually he shaved this off as well, grumbling, “Happy wife, happy life.”
Maggie has to wear the vest all the time now so we can help her up and down the stairs. And a diaper at night. It’s so sad, guys. So damn sad.
Something new! My brain is so funny. Because I just completed a sort of “Gothy” cat painting, I totally envisioned this next painting being kind of dark too. First I imagined blacks and reds, then I thought of dark greens and cerulean…
…and then somehow, as I was watching the Studio 54 documentary, it evolved into this bright, spring-like look. I can’t do Goth!
And here is that cat painting! I love how it turned out. The guy who commissioned it loves it, and his wife does too. They have it hanging on a red wall, and it looks amazing! It “pops”.
Loving the sunshine-y days. We have been spoiled the past week. Currently it’s snowing outside, and I’m doing my best to pretend it’s not happening, la la laaaaaa…
It’s not sticking, thank God. I am so over it, I’m beyond it and all the way to summer at this point.
I had heard these ginger chews from Trader Joe’s are good for nausea. Guess what else they are good for? Immediately pulling a crown off of my tooth that I had to go to the dentist and have repaired. Uh huh.
Still going to the gym. I won’t be able to do the floor work I’ve been doing flat on my back after 20 weeks. Yesterday it flared my GERD up pretty bad.
Jeez this post is pretty whiney, huh? Wanna see something cute?
TA DA! Here’s my second son, safe and secure with his little heartbeat just fluttering away. It’s so satisfying to see the little guys on the ultrasound. Josh went with me and we were all smiles. I was released officially from my fertility clinic, which was a little bittersweet.
If Baby C is even HALF as cute and sweet as Goo we’re gonna be in for a treat.
Ahhh okay. I have more pictures available but my attention to this task is DONE. Talk to you later, blog-logs.