Hey, soul sister
What’s the word, turds? I forgot about you last month blog, and I’m SORRY. Well, not really. You may have
What’s the word, turds? I forgot about you last month blog, and I’m SORRY. Well, not really. You may have
Hallo blog! Hard to believe it’s mid-July already. Mid-2021. Gosh 2021 is so much better than 2020, isn’t it? This
On May the 4th, the Geeks show their Geek Pride! And really, if a tie-dyed Star Wars shirt isn’t the
Hello hello hello! Gee this purple hair was so LAST MONTH. Literally. Yes, I decided to throw caution to the
Hieeeeeeeeee as Alaska the drag queen would nasally say. My mother watched “Drag Race” for the first time recently and
How goes it, blog? This is the end of February, so I thought I had better sit down and blerp
Hey blog! I woke up from my glorious Afternoon Nap today and realized it was the last day of the