Dressing up
Corinne and Bear Cub sittin’ on a couch
Corinne and Bear Cub, a photo by …the who cares girl… on Flickr. Today the Broad and I are going
My Videos
blonde archery
I somehow flip the arrow completely around the bow, curse, and then pathetically shoot two arrows. Dudes, have you seen
My Videos
archery song
The Boy shoots an arrow, flubs the lyrics to “Every Town” from Robin Hood and I attempt to correct him.
“When my ass was 19 years old I changed the face of professional baseball.”
I decided in January after month after month and year after year of crushing disappointment with American “Vogue” to give
September camping part 4: archery, hooping and spying
More camping photos? Sure, why not? That weekend was one of the highlights of this past month, after all. I’m